Our Services

Popular and in-demand

Immediate and visible results in just one session. Your skin will feel youthful and fresh as the aging fine lines, blemishes, spots, and wrinkles are minimized and skin texture is restored.

Fotona’s Permanent Hair Reduction treatment is Gentle, fast, convenient, while delivering long-lasting results. For all skin types, without ingrown hairs, irritation, or infection.

IV drip therapy replenishes the fluids and nutrients your body requires while swiftly and effectively delivering vitamins and minerals. When absorbed, nutrients and fluids are immediately effective because they enter the bloodstream directly.

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Fotona4D is a groundbreaking Non-Surgical Face Lifting procedure resulting in a rejuvenated, natural-looking appearance.

Fotona4D Men is an innovative form of laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation tailored specifically for male skin.

Fotona’s ClearSteps™ is a revolutionary, patient-friendly method for treating onychomycosis. The quick and easy method efficiently weakens and eradicates parasite fungus that have affected the patient’s nails.

Laser treatment of Active Acne reduces acne inflammation by photoselective absorption and heating of overactive sebaceous glands.

Laser treatment of Acne Scars is based on the precise and gentle skin resurfacing procedure to vaporize scarred skin and stimulate the production of new collagen in the dermis.

Fotona’s HaiRestart (Non-Invasive Laser Stimulation of Hair Growth) hair growth stimulation is an effective method of treating hair loss disorders. This innovative solution is focused on stimulating dormant hair follicles to promote hair growth.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You should consult a dermatologist immediately if you have developed any abnormal symptoms which are affecting your face, body, nails or hair. If you have any cosmetic concerns, a skin specialist will be able to help you.

Our Dermatologists diagnose and treat conditions affecting skin, hair, scalp, nails, lips – anywhere on the surface of the body. You can find information on many of the conditions that we treat here. If your condition is not listed please email or call us and we can advise if it is something they can help with.

Yes, we have a technology that is 100% Natural and painless, it provides visible results instantly with 0 side effects.

Doctor consultation is not necessary but is recommended especially if you have skin concerns.

While we do recommend taking prior appointments which you can do by calling the number given below, it is not necessary. Those who take appointment are given priority in case of a long line.

Yes, it is possible to do a walk-in appointment although, those who have scheduled appointments will be prioritized

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