Clarify The Complexion
Fibroblasts are the true builders of skin, producing the essential components of the dermis that give it solidity, softness, and radiance: hyaluronic acid for volume and hydration, collagen for firmness, and elastin for suppleness. However, cellular activity slows down and the first indications of aging occur as early as 25 years of age, even in people who lead completely healthy lifestyles.
Additionally, pollutants accumulate and venous and lymphatic microcirculation slows due to stress, pollution, lack of sleep, and tobacco use, all of which can cause skin blemishes. When this happens, the skin starts to look dull and lose its vibrancy.

The 100% natural, non-invasive, non-aggressive mechanical skin stimulation technique that targets cells’ processes.
To give the skin a true cutaneous workout, the revolutionary LPG® treatment head applies micro-pulses to the whole surface of the face and neck. This unusual, painless stimulation stimulates microcirculation to smooth out the complexion while gently exfoliating the face and oxygenating the tissues.

Even after the first session, skin is softer and the complexion is twice as radiant*. It’s the perfect way to get instantly healthy-looking skin before a party or event!