SCAR AND Stretch marks
Scar and Stretch marks (Striae) Treatment in Dubai
The minimally invasive nature of Laser Scar and Stretch marks treatments makes them highly tolerated by patients, and quicker recovery durations enable patients to experience the psychological benefits of scar revision therapies much sooner.
Harnessing the Medical Power of Light
A wide variety of scar tissues can be effectively treated using lasers. Gentle scar tissue ablation and collagen remodeling are accomplished using Er: YAG skin resurfacing. Er: YAG treatments work particularly well on acne scars.
Clinical studies using the Nd: YAG wavelength for hypertrophic scars demonstrate further enhancement of the aesthetic appearance and general tissue quality of a scar, including erythema, volume, pliability, etc.

A Synergistic Treatment Solution
With Fotona’s ground-breaking dual-wavelength Laser Scar and Stretch Marks Revision therapy, nonablative Nd: YAG and fractional-ablative Er: YAG wavelengths are combined as part of a single thorough Laser Scar And Stretch Marks treatment regimen, with results that are immediately visible and outperform conventional laser-based and conventional scar treatment techniques. Dual-wavelength scar treatment therapies offer a highly efficient solution that not only takes care of a scar’s outward look but also aids in resolving problematic issues with the scar’s vascular feeding system.
Benefits of Scar and Stretch marks Treatment
Fast recovery times
Non-invasive treatment
Well tolerated by patients
Immediately visible results
Safe, controlled, and precise
Improves skin texture and tone
Suitable for larger and smaller areas
Clinical Results of Scar and Stretch marks Treatment

Can laser treatment make scars disappear?
Instead of relying on lotions, oils, and other drugs that claim to eliminate scars and stretch marks, try the most effective approach. Dual-wavelength scar treatment therapies give a very successful solution that not only solves a scar’s aesthetic appearance but also helps to resolve to aggravate concerns with the scar’s vascular feeding system.
what to avoid after the treatment?
The skin is sensitive after therapy. For the next 48 hours, avoid direct sun exposure and apply cosmetics. To keep the region hydrated, apply a good moisturizer. Retinol and products containing acids, on the other hand, may worsen the symptoms.
Inform our staff during your consultation that you are interested in discussing various skin treatments. We can create personalized programs for you, whether it’s LPG Endermologie Treatment or HydraFacial, and we can help you decide which is best for you.
When Can I Expect to See the Results?
The Fotona laser does not miraculously remove all scars and stretch marks. It takes time to heal, like any other wound. Stretch marks require a few sessions before you see any progress. Normally, three treatments are performed in a month to enhance the skin. Sessions and results, however, differ based on the extent of stretch marks on the body.