
Onychomycosis Treatment in Dubai

toenail fungus Treatment

Using Nd: YAG laser light, ClearSteps/nail fungus treatment is a novel approach for treating onychomycosis in a rapid, painless, and efficient manner. The laser light evenly warms the afflicted nail and skin tissue, weakening and ultimately eliminating the parasite fungus that have infected the patient’s nail.

Clearstep - Onychomycosis - Nail Fungus - Best Laser Treatments in Dubai

How does Onychomycosis work?

Parasitic fungus is killed more quickly when the nail bed is heated deeply and pulse-profile-style. The nail can then be repaired to its original condition by the body’s natural growth and immune systems. The effects of laser light permeate evenly throughout the tissue in comparison to conventional methods and are not constrained by chemical diffusion limits, as are topicals, or by the production of hepatotoxic side effects, as are oral drugs.

There are only three easy steps to the process:

Step 1:
File the nail down. The nail will get thicker, malformed, and overgrown during onychomycosis. Laser light can fully permeate the treatment site by filing down the nail.

Onychomycosis - Nail Fungus

Step 2:

Apply a circular pattern of Nd: YAG laser pulses over the entire nail. The beam should just barely overlap itself to completely conceal the nail. A small warming sensation should be felt by the patient all over the nail.

Onychomycosis - Nail Fungus

Step 3:
Target Nd: YAG laser pulses go all the way around the finger or toe and nail bed. In order to prevent recurrence, parasitic fungus must frequently be eradicated from any surrounding tissue where it has spread past the nail bed.

Onychomycosis - Nail Fungus

The procedure is typically carried out four times, one week apart. Every treatment should include treating every nail, just in case. Fungus-infected skin tissue can also be effectively treated with laser light.

Safe and Effective, Without Side-Effects

Benefits of Onychomycosis


Complete fungus removal

Nothing artificial or oral medication

Treatment that is both safe and patient-friendly

Extremely quick, efficient, and simple to carry out

Stimulates the body’s natural growth and defense mechanisms

Clinical Results of Onychomycosis

Onychomycosis - Nail Fungus
Onychomycosis - Nail Fungus

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