Laser Podiatry

Laser Podiatry Treatments in Dubai

Rapid recovery times

Safe, incredibly quick, and simple processes

Treatments that work well and leave patients feeling satisfied

With two laser wavelengths, the greatest variety of indications: Nd and Er are both YAG.

Laser Podiatry Treatments in Dubai


Laser Podiatry - onychomycosis - nail fungus


Laser Podiatry - onychomycosis - nail fungus

12 months after Nd:YAG treatment

Utilizing the proprietary VSP Nd: YAG laser technology of Fotona, onychomycosis can be treated quickly and successfully.

Destroys parasitic fungi that have contaminated a patient’s nails safely.

There are no adverse effects and no need for oral drugs or topical chemicals.

The least invasive and patient-friendly onychomycosis treatment.

A three-step, straightforward process.


Laser Podiatry - warts

Warts before

Laser Podiatry - warts

2 days after treatment with Nd:YAG

Laser Podiatry - warts

2 weeks after treatment with Nd:YAG

Using Fotona’s Er, various warts and verrucae can be treated. Lasers that use YAG and Nd

Er: YAG wart ablation with incredibly fine accuracy

The wart’s blood arteries coagulate as a result of deep and selective Nd: YAG absorption, which leads to necrosis (penetrates even through calloused tissue)

The antibacterial actions hasten to heal and lessen the chance of recurrence.

No additional tissue needs to be removed, and no anesthetic is necessary.

There is no need for additional post-procedure skin care.

Leg veins

Laser Podiatry - leg veins - Spider veins

Leg veins before

Laser Podiatry - leg veins - Spider veins

After treatment with Nd:YAG 

Employing the Nd:YAG laser from Fotona to treat all kind of ugly veins and vascular lesions

Suitable for all types of skin

Even the deepest and largest unattractive veins are targeted via deep laser penetration and selective hemoglobin absorption.

Maximum treatment effectiveness and quickness as a result of Fotona’s extremely flexible parameter selection

Minimal discomfort for the patient

Corns and calluses

Laser Podiatry - keratosis

Plantal keratosis before

Laser Podiatry - keratosis

2 weeks after Er:YAG treatment

Laser Podiatry - keratosis

2 months after Er:YAG treatment

Effective and secure tissue ablation with Fotona Er: YAG

Suitable for all types of skin

Incredibly precise, destroying only the callus and sparing the surrounding tissue

Recurrence is prevented by unparalleled effectiveness in removing all callus tissue.

No post-treatment discomfort and no analgesic use

Quicker healing and no scarring

Laser Podiatry - aesthetics

Hair removal

Laser Podiatry - aesthetics

Er: YAG laser treatments: eradication of various benign tumors, ingrown toenails

Hair removal, incision, excision, vaporization, ablation, and soft tissue coagulation are all possible with ND: YAG laser treatments.

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