Acne and Acne Scar Treatments
Acne and Acne Scar Treatments in Dubai At Esteem Medical Clinic

Secure and efficient
No medicine required
Quickly and sensitively
Controlled, precise, and exact
Both larger and smaller spaces
Enhances the tone and texture of the skin
What is Acne Treatment?
Through photoselective absorption and heating of hyperactive sebaceous glands, laser treatment for active acne lowers acne inflammation. An Nd: YAG laser’s potency is employed to hasten the healing process and lessen the likelihood of getting new acne inflammation.
What is Acne Scar Treatment?
The Er: YAG laser is absorbed by the top micro-layers of the skin during the precise & delicate skin resurfacing method used in laser treatment of acne scars which vaporizes scarred skin & encourages the formation of new collagen in the dermis. The use of two near-infrared lasers with complementary wavelengths yields the best therapeutic results (Er: YAG and Nd: YAG).

Fast results, Without Side-Effects
How does it work?
How does Acne Treatment work?
The big sebaceous glands are thermally and selectively destroyed by the application of a high-power Nd: YAG laser.

How does Acne Scar Treatment work?
Skin layers as thin as a micron are removed using the Er: YAG laser so that new skin can grow in its place. Unlike dermabrasion and chemical peels, laser resurfacing makes it simple to manage. The acne-scarred skin’s top layer is softly vaporized by the laser, exposing the healthy skin beneath.

Advantages of Acne and Acne Scar Treatments
When compared to other treatments, Acne and Acne Scar Treatment is the best, quick, simple & has an unmatched success record. We can treat patients with confidence and high success rates if we have clear protocols that are simple for the patients to follow and qualified staff.
The least intrusive & patient-friendly approach to treating acne is with a laser. Furthermore, complete healing can be attained in a few days without the need for medicine.
These skills have earned it a reputation as The Best Acne and Acne Scar Treatment in Dubai.