Blood Boost & Iron IV Drip Therapy in Dubai | boost hemoglobin | Anemia | BLOOD BOOST AND IRON IV IMMUNONUTRITION THERAPY | Blood boost + Iron IV
Blood Boost & Iron
IV Drip Therapy
Blood Boost & Iron IV Drip Therapy in Dubai
Esteem Medical Clinic offers a specialist treatment called Blood Boost & Iron IV Drip Therapy in Dubai. It entails giving an iron, vitamin, mineral, and nutrient infusion that is precisely adjusted intravenously. This special blend is intended to raise blood vitality, maximize iron levels, and support general health. Specifically recommended to treat iron deficiency anemia, the therapy provides a quicker fix than dietary modifications or supplementation. Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, and other vital minerals are combined with it to strengthen red blood cells, improve energy levels, and lessen iron shortage symptoms.

Advantages of Blood Boost & Iron IV Drip Therapy
Administration by intravenous means guarantees quick absorption for instant effects. A complete approach to iron deficiency anemia involves a balanced infusion of vitamins, minerals, and iron. Provides a more rapid course of treatment than dietary modifications or oral supplements. increases general vigor and energy levels. Reduces iron deficient symptoms and facilitates better breathing.
Benefits of Blood Boost & Iron IV Drip Therapy
- Boosts Vitality and Energy: The infusion makes you feel more energized and alive overall.
- Boosts Red Blood Cell Production: To treat anemia, this factor encourages the formation of red blood cells.
- Diminishes Iron Deficiency Symptoms: Relieves iron deficiency symptoms including breathlessness and exhaustion.
- Relief Right Away: People with severe anemia will experience relief right away because of rapid absorption.
- Complete Therapy for Anemia: Iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B12, among other ingredients, work together in the composition to prevent and treat anemia.
Blood Boost & Iron IV Drip Therapy in Dubai | boost hemoglobin | Anemia | BLOOD BOOST AND IRON IV IMMUNONUTRITION THERAPY | Blood boost + Iron IV
Blood Boost & Iron IV Drip Therapy ingredients
- Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) – prevents iron deficiency anemia by promoting the absorption of dietary non-heme especially in persons with low iron stores
- Hydroxocobalamin (B12) – plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a key protein in red blood cells, whose function is to carry oxygen from your lungs to your body’s other organs and tissues
- Pyridoxine (B6) – This vitamin is needed for red blood cells to form. It’s needed for iron to convert into hemoglobin. Low levels of pyridoxine can cause anemia and many other health problems.
- Thiamine HCL (Vit. B1) – is a well-known coenzyme and nutrient necessary for the assembly and right functioning of several enzymes involved in energy metabolism.
- L 5 METHYLTETRAHYDROFOLATE CALCIUM – belongs to the class of ‘nutritional supplements’ primarily used to treat folate deficiency (low levels of folate) and anemia (lack of red blood cells). It is useful in treating low folate levels caused by poor diet, pregnancy, alcoholism, and other disease conditions.
- Iron III hydroxide sucrose complex (in separate 50ml NSS) – Iron sucrose (sucroferric oxyhydroxide or iron saccharate) is used as a source of iron in patients with iron deficiency anemia with chronic kidney disease (CKD), including those who are undergoing dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal) and those who do not require dialysis. Due to fewer side effects than iron dextran, iron sucrose is preferred in chronic kidney disease patients.
What is IV Therapy?
Intravenous therapy, or IV therapy, is a minimally invasive method of directly injecting vitamins, nutrients, minerals, amino acids, and fluids into the bloodstream. This advanced treatment is available at the Esteem Medical Clinic in Dubai. It guarantees 100% absorption of the doses given, resulting in rapid relief from a variety of ailments.
What should I do to prepare?
It is advisable to stay well hydrated to prepare for the session. Getting enough water helps plump up the veins, which facilitates finding and using the IV efficiently. You can maximize your time during the treatment by bringing headphones or a good book so you can unwind and take it all in.
How long does it take?
IV therapy can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours to administer, depending on the bag. The drip time is determined by the healthcare provider; most drip sessions last 30 minutes or less on average.
How frequently should I do my IV therapy?
Your healthcare provider will decide how often you need IV therapy sessions based on your symptoms and desired outcomes. To address particular health needs, weekly, biweekly, or monthly treatments may be recommended.
Does It Hurt?
Esteem Medical Clinic provides expert care in response to discomfort-related concerns. Although some patients may not even notice having an IV inserted, the trained medical staff makes every effort to reduce any potential discomfort. The staff’s skill and the application of topical numbing agents make the procedure almost painless.
What should I worry about?
The side effects of IV therapy are rare and usually restricted to minor problems such as irritation, inflammation, or bruising at the puncture site. Although they are uncommon, serious reactions like allergies should be reported to your provider. Since your safety is our top priority at Esteem Medical Clinic, please share any pertinent information regarding past allergic reactions, current medications, and supplements. With our skilled and knowledgeable medical team, you can receive IV therapy with confidence and little fear of side effects.
How do you Boost Blood & Reduces Iron Deficiency with IV Drip Therapy?
One of the minerals found in human bodies is iron. Your body cannot produce hemoglobin if you don’t have enough iron, which could lead to anemia. Intravenous iron, also known as an iron infusion, is a treatment option for anemia that involves inserting a needle into a vein to raise hemoglobin and iron levels in the body.
Blood Boost & Iron IV Drip Therapy in Dubai | boost hemoglobin | Anemia | BLOOD BOOST AND IRON IV IMMUNONUTRITION THERAPY | Blood boost + Iron IV
Got more questions on Blood Boost & Iron IV Drip Therapy?
Still have more questions or inquiries for Blood Boost & Iron IV Drip Therapy or any other IV Drip Therapy in Dubai, or to book an appointment please Call or WhatsApp us at +971 4 582 3666 or +971 52 713 8777
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